
The Whitechapel Whelk

Ripping News and Cutting Satire Since 1888



Letters To The Editor


Dear Sir

I was interested to read in Private Eye magazine this week that a woman from Fiji, whose Christian name was, Swastika, was refused an account with the fast food delivery company, Uber Eats, because her name could be considered inflammatory.

I too have experienced similar difficulties, and, indeed, was once beaten bloody in the street by a Metropolitan police officer who had asked for my name and address following a minor traffic offence.

Kind Regards

Yu Fukin B’stard



West London W2.

I’ll Set Up Refugee Camp For Gazans On My Huge Botoxed Forehead, Says Simon Cowell

Cowell pictured at his bungalow in Eastbourne last night

Pop entrepreneur and Britain’s Got Talent panellist, Simon Cowell, has announced that he has been so affected by the plight of the beleaguered civilian population in war-torn Gaza he is going to set up a refugee camp on his massive, botoxed forehead in a bid to alleviate their suffering.

Cowell, 95, told newsmen: ‘Along with everybody else with an ounce of decency, I’m sickened by the genocidal actions of the Israeli government against the civilians in Gaza and I intend to set up a camp on my gigantic, spam forehead that will hopefully provide shelter for many stricken families.’

It is estimated that well in excess of twenty thousand people will fit comfortably on Cowell’s spam. They will then be fed and watered by around 500 aid trucks which will be loaded with provisions from inside his ridiculous, high-waisted, clown trousers.

Man Who Stood Up As Soon As Plane Landed, Quite Rightly Pummelled Back Into Seat

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A male passenger on an Easyjet flight to Gran Canaria last week was treated in hospital for facial injuries after a fellow traveller justifiably launched a flurry of blows at the man who had risen from his seat as soon as the aircraft had landed and begun its taxi to the airport terminal in a bid to be the first to disembark.

His assailant, Toby Dell, from Whitechapel in East London, was cheered loudly by fellow passengers as he hammered the man back into his seat with a series of powerful blows before quite rightly berating him as a ‘thick twat’ and a ‘know-nothing ponce’

Speaking to us from his hotel on the island, Dell, 54, said: ‘I hate these deluded fuckers who think that by standing up as soon as the bloody plane touches down and getting their poxy bags out of the overhead lockers they are going to get to their accommodation quicker than anyone else.

‘Haven’t they heard of baggage reclaim carousels, queuing at passport control, or waiting for shuttlebus transport in the airport car park?

‘If I had my way, I would hang the lot of them from lamposts and hang them high’

An Easyjet spokesman told us: ‘We applaud Mr Dell’s prompt actions in this instance and will be offering him a free flight back to London in Business Class with booze and canapes thrown in.

‘These idiots who jump up as soon as we land are gormless fucknuts of the highest order and if people like Mr Dell wish to hammer them from arseole to Saturday then we say, more power to them’

This incident mirrors an altercation on a British Airways flight from London City Airport to Faro in Portugal last month when a passenger who began shouting excitedly at a friend seated across the aisle, pointing out that the plane had begun its descent, was dragged from his seat by an irate fellow traveller who, quite rightly, knocked the man unconscious before jamming his head under his seat.

Comrades!: An Everyday Story of Heroic Soviet Folk



The temperature dipped a bit today. When we thawed out the thermometer it read -35.C. Heroic Comrade Cat is missing. We await his glorious return.

“Winter draws on” said Comrade Wife. – I thought that she’d put them on at the start of November! Still, we have a roaring bar on the electric fire and plenty of electricity to power it thanks to our glorious state energy produc…



Comrade Wife has injured herself by slipping on a frozen cow-pat at the collective farm and will be off work for 2 weeks. The doctor has told her to take things easy. I have thoughtfully advised her to take her wheeled shopping trolley with her when she sets off on the ten-kilometre journey through the snow to get my vodka from the market in Voldosgrad. It was touching to see the tears of gratitude well up in her eyes. Still no sign of heroic, Comrade Cat


comrades dancing large


Had a nice quiet night in with Comrade Wife last night. We settled down in front of the TV to watch a heroic, 2-hour display of Cossack dancing by the 731st Infantry Regiment, followed by, ‘Denounce Your Traitorous Neighbour,’ hosted by ‘Cheeky’ Colonel Boranavich from the 21st Moscow NKVD death squad. How the poor downtrodden workers of The West must envy our cultural superiority. Have sent Children #3 and #7 out into snow to search for Comrade Cat



Spectacular display of the Northern Lights last night. We were totally spell-bound as we looked out of the hole in the wall where the window used to be; marvelling at the coloured beams of light swirling in every direction. How foolish we felt when, this morning, Mr Danolski from downstairs told us that it was actually the local nuclear power station going into melt-down. Comrade wife and myself seem to have developed a slight rash. Still no sign of Children #3 and #7 or Comrade Cat.


comrades tractor girl


Joyous news comrades! Heroic Comrade Cat has returned!. All of the family are delighted to see him as we’ve been worried for weeks. There will be special celebratory roast dinner tonight as he has brought a mouse back with him. Have sent Children #2 and #9 out to search for heroic siblings.


comrades 5


Beetroot gruel supply now dangerously low. Comrade Cat has gone missing again.

“Comrades” was devised and written circa 2010 on a tight budget by decadent plutocrat and Whelk editor, Danny SoZ, and Western imperialist hyena, Gary Moore.

Impudent Local Woman Took It Upon Herself to Move TV Remote Control


A 33-year-old Whitechapel woman has reportedly had the bare-faced effrontery to move the television remote control from the arm of her husband’s armchair to a purpose-designed remote control holder on a nearby coffee table without having first sought permission to do so.

Tracy Dell, a housewife from Leman Street, quite brazenly moved the device last Tuesday, causing her husband, Toby, a great deal of consternation, which resulted in him shouting upstairs to ask what the hell she’d done with it.

Mr Dell, 43, a forklift truck engineer, told The Whelk: ‘At first, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I spotted that the remote was no longer on the arm of my chair.

‘Initially, I thought it might have been knocked to the floor by my wife while hoovering, which would have been bad enough in itself, but then she quite shamelessly informed me that she’d deliberately moved it without so much as a by-your-leave.

‘I don’t mind admitting I was both shocked and disgusted in equal measure.

‘Of course, she tried to brazen it out by bleating on about having put it in its rightful place in its holder, but I was having none of it.

‘I called it out as a deliberate, bare-faced mischievous act, designed to undermine my authority as head of the household, and yet another consequence of this wretched #MeToo movement.

‘I really took her to task and made my feelings clear in no uncertain terms, but instead of apologising for her outrageous behaviour, she flew into a rage and struck me on the head with a wooden rod she uses for unhooking the lounge curtains.

‘I told her straight, that if that was the way she wanted to behave within our marriage, then I wanted no further part in it’

Mr Dell has asked that part of his fee for this interview be donated to The Poplar And District Distressed Mariners’ Mission where he has been living for the last week.

‘Feral’ Pack of Dogwalkers Savage Pitbull Terrier

At risk. A vulnerable pitbull terrier pictured yesterday

A 3-year-old American pitbull terrier was on the brink of death last night following a vicious attack by a pack of around eight, mainly female dogwalkers, in a park in East London.

The walkers had broken free from their canine charges before forming into what was described by an onlooker as ‘a feral, out-of-control pack.’

The dog concerned, Samson, believed to be from a home in Whitechapel, had stopped beside the lake in Victoria Park in Bow for a lie-down in the sunshine when the dogwalkers set upon the defenceless creature, causing horrendous injuries which required surgical treatment at a local veterinary practice.

A young woman who witnessed the brutal attack told us: ‘They were crazed with bloodlust. They repeatedly punched and kicked the poor dog and only stopped after a couple of young men bravely stepped in and started dragging them off one by one, despite the fact that the walkers were snapping at them with bared teeth and whipping them with their extendable dog leads’

A Home Office spokesman described the attack as ‘regrettable and unacceptable’ and gave assurances that legislation will be toughened and stricter controls introduced via the existing Dangerous Dog Walkers Act.

A Kennel Club spokesman went further and called for any walkers spotted in public without a dog to be ensnared prior to being humanely destroyed.

Local Man Found Dead After Suggesting Tweak to Wife’s Boxing Day Food Plan


A 54-year-old man was found bludgeoned to death at his home in Dock Street, Whitechapel, following a frenzied attack by his wife who had become enraged by a menu suggestion he had made regarding the traditional, family Boxing Day cold buffet.

Toby Dell, a forklift truck engineer, suffered severe head trauma, believed to have been caused by multiple blows from a wooden rolling pin after he suggested that baked potatoes could perhaps be added to the options on offer as well as the usual mashed potatoes in a huge china tureen.

After being arrested and charged with murder, his wife, Tracy, 49, told police that his suggestion had pushed her over the edge at a stressful time.

However, she allegedly showed little remorse as she was led away, telling arresting officers that her husband was, ‘a selfish, unfeeling scumbag that deserved to die’.

This incident comes a week after a man from neighbouring Poplar was hacked to death with a meat cleaver by his wife after asking her if she was going to bake the Xmas Day potatoes in the air fryer using goose fat as suggested by TV chef, Jamie Oliver, on his show, Jamie’s Culinary Christmas Crackers.

Rees-Mogg Set To Continue Annual Struggle to Loosen Lid on Xmas Picallili

Jacob speaking latin

Conservative backbench MP, Jacob Rees-Mogg, has told friends that he is going to redouble his annual efforts to loosen the lid on a jar of Pan Yan mustard pickle despite having failed to do so every Christmas since 1987.

The former Leader Of The House has confided that he has been undergoing a strength-training program with a view to finally completing a task that has thwarted his best efforts since Margaret Thatcher was in Downing Street.

Following his initial vain attempt in ’87, the Old Etonian’s struggles were reportedly met with a fair amount of good-natured derision by family and friends seated around the Boxing Day table at Rees-Mogg’s Somerset home.

Amongst other jibes, he was branded, a ‘weed’ and a ‘socialist girly that couldn’t knock the skin off a rice pudding’

Eventually, a totally spent and heavily sweating Rees-Mogg claimed that the lid was ‘cross-threaded’ and that, ‘The machine must have put it on wrong’ before angrily storming from the room.

According to sources, he has made vain, clandestine attempts to loosen the lid during night-time visits to the kitchen every Christmas for the last thirty-four years.

During this time he has used a number of gambits, including, soaking the jar in easing oil, clamping the lid in a bench vice before twisting the body of the jar wrapped in a tea towel, deploying a Mole Wrench, and tapping around the edges of the lid with a pair of antique brass nutcrackers.

However, his wife, Helena, told a Sunday Times journalist in a 2015 interview that he has actually been trying to turn it the wrong way the entire time but has sullenly refused to accept the fact, claiming that he has been opening jars of tasty delicacies and sweetmeats since his time attending midnight feasts at prep school and that people ‘should jolly well mind their own business’.

In 2019, Rees-Mogg famously had to ask Her Majesty The Queen to open the door to let him out of a hospitality room at Balmoral after he was unable to turn a heavy brass door knob following his now notorious visit when he lied to her about the legality of the prorogation of Parliament.

After the incident, he was met with catcalls and howls of derision from the Labour benches in a raucous parliamentary session, during which he claimed that he ‘must have already loosened it for her’.

Teen Decides King’s Speech Optimum Window For Xmas Day Masturbation Break


A 16-year-old boy from Whitechapel in East London has told The Whelk that he considers the ten-minute window during The King’s televised Christmas Day speech as the optimum time to slip out of the room to masturbate

Tobias Dell, a student from Brewer Street, told us: ‘Christmas Day is always a tricky one when it comes to knocking one out without people noticing.

‘The house is generally packed with relatives who tend to notice if you’ve left the room for any length of time, especially the old ones who seem to watch you like a hawk.

‘So, after a bit of thought I’ve decided that I’ll nip upstairs during the King’s Speech when everyone will be glued to the telly as it’s only his second one since he stopped being Prince Charles.

‘Ten minutes should give me plenty of time to clear the tubes, especially if Titanic’s been on the telly again and I’ve had a good butcher’s at Kate Winslet’s jubblies’

Tobias then confided that he’s hoping to avoid the embarrassment of last Christmas when he re-entered the room after a clandestine custard-blowing session during a Morecombe & Wise Xmas Special only for his nan to start laughing and pointing when she spotted flecks of dried spadge on the waistband of his jog bottoms.

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